Elektroinžinier - aktualizované: 9. 11. 2024

Vybrané voľné pracovné miesto už bolo obsadené alebo zrušené

Miesto výkonu práce:




Dátum pridania ponuky

28. 10. 2024

Dátum poslednej aktualizácie

9. 11. 2024

Druh pracovného pomeru

Overená pracovná ponuka z portálu EURES.

Job description

AquaBioTech Group is a global player in the design, development and operation of sustainable

landbased fish farming using our unique Recirculating Aquaculture System RAS) designs and

technology. As part of our continuing expansion, we are seeking to employ an Electrical Engineer to

work on the design, installation and maintenance of electrical equipment at our client’s international

project sites, as well as its own facilities in Malta. The individual will be heavily involved in the design

of electrical plans for various land-based aquaculture projects (Recirculation Aquaculture Systems)

that the company is developing all over the world.

The successful candidate will be responsible for the design, development and supervising of

installation of electrical equipment, component and systems for commercial and industrial use. The

responsibilities of the selected candidate are defined as follows:

• Organise, develop, document technical designs and specifications for electrical facilities and

ELV systems for commercial clients’ facilities, as well as for the company’s R&D facilities.

• Designing electrical topology layouts, electrical loading, cable routing, cable trays, machinery

control cabinets and their associated control features.

• Making use of the latest design and collaboration software to execute the engineering tasks

and to develop detailed instruction drawing to installation teams.

• Dealing with suppliers and preparation specifications for the purchasing of equipment and


• Directing and coordinating construction, installation, maintenance, support, documentation,

and testing activities to ensure compliance with specifications and customer requirements.

• Involved in the training of project team members as necessary.

• Overseeing project efforts to ensure that projects are completed satisfactorily, on time, and

within budget.

• Traveling to project sites to supervise electrical equipment for overseas and supervise

electrical installations and project commissioning.

Zdroj ponuky: worki.sk

Test osobnosti

Na akú profesiu sa hodíte?

  • Priradíme vás k jednému z 16 osobnostných typov
  • Detailne popíšeme váš typ osobnosti
  • Vybereme povolania, pre ktoré sa hodíte

Ďalšie ponuky práce

Súvisiace články

Súvisiace články na tému minimálna mzda, mzda, mzda a zamestnanie, plat, priemerná mzda, výplata

Rast minimálnej mzdy znamená aj rast odvodov

4. 12. 2008 | Lucia Adamjaková

Rast minimálnej mzdy znamená aj rast odvodov

Niektorých zamestnávateľov od 1.1.2009 pravdepodobne nepoteší správa o zvýšení minimálnej mzdy.

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