Prehľad platov učiteľov: Najmenej zarobia učitelia v materskej škole, najviac „na výške“
1. 10. 2020 | Roland Regely
Platy slovenských učiteľov sa v európskom porovnaní nachádzajú uprostred. Z krajín V4 sú na tom horšie už len Maďari.
Vybrané voľné pracovné miesto už bolo obsadené alebo zrušené
Miesto výkonu práce:
Grenoble, Francúzsko
Dátum pridania ponuky
28. 10. 2024
Dátum poslednej aktualizácie
8. 11. 2024
Druh pracovného pomeru
Overená pracovná ponuka z portálu EURES.
The Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) is based in Grenoble (France) and operates Europe‘s leading research facility for basic research with neutrons. United by our passion for progress and technology, we drive science and research forward every day. Together, we can pave the way for discoveries that will help to make our world a better place.
The Large Scale Structures (LSS) group comprises a range of instruments designed to carry out studies on the structure of matter on a scale of fractions of to hundreds of nanometers. These include instruments for small-angle scattering, reflectometry, and diffraction from single crystals or one or two-dimensionally ordered materials. The range of science covered is very broad, from polymer and colloid science through structural molecular biology to materials science and magnetic phenomena.
The group has recently started two new public imaging beamlines using cold neutrons, NeXT and MoTo, the result of an ambitious upgrade project which is now in the execution phase. These instruments will provide a panoply of imaging techniques from polarised neutrons to simultaneous x-ray/neutron imaging with unique capabilities, also thanks to the high neutron flux at ILL.
You will participate in an international project joining a team including an ILL/UGA Chair, senior scientists from HZB and ILL, as well as a broad team of neutron, tomography and data processing experts from several institutions. ILL is looking for an outstanding person to add to this team, with a strong imaging and/or neutron background.
Your tasks
Working within the LSS group in the field of Neutron Imaging, in addition to carrying out your own active research programme, you will be in charge of:
• Co-developing the new monochromatic imaging instrument MoTo, and attracting new users to employ its capabilities,
• Helping to manage MoTo/NeXT, participating both in their day-to-day running and technical development,
• Providing support to users for scientific experiments as Local Contact for MoTo and NeXT and helping them collect data under optimal conditions,
• Promoting scientific partnerships in your field of research,
• Participating in the longer term development of sample environment and data analysis,
• Working within the neutron imaging team and with scientists and other ILL staff members to develop a strong scientific programme using neutron imaging
This position represents an excellent opportunity for young postdoctoral scientists to develop expertise, broaden their experience and interact with leading scientists from around the world. Applications from more experienced scientists able to obtain a secondment period from their home institution will also be considered.
Doplňujúce informácie:
Ak potrebujete viac informácií o krajine, nájdete ich na našom webe v časti Životné a pracovné podmienky – Francúzsko.
Zdroj ponuky:
Rozšírená verzia kalkulačky
Ďalšie kalkulačky
Ponuky práce
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