Automechanik – Tesla Greve - aktualizované: 12. 10. 2024

Vybrané voľné pracovné miesto už bolo obsadené alebo zrušené

Miesto výkonu práce:




Dátum pridania ponuky

7. 10. 2024

Dátum poslednej aktualizácie

12. 10. 2024

Druh pracovného pomeru

Overená pracovná ponuka z portálu EURES.

What to Expect

At Tesla, our Service Technicians are the backbone of the Service operation, supporting our mission to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy.

We’ve created one of the most innovative vehicles ever made, and as a Service Technician you will help ensure an equally innovative service to our customers. To succeed at Tesla, you must be energetic, highly organized, and smart working. You should have a passion for the brand and the ability to build on your technical skill set and thrive in a team environment.

Are you up for the challenge?

What You’ll Do

  • Service, repair and improve: Working with Tesla specific software and advanced tools you will be performing repairs and maintenance on all types of Tesla vehicles.
  • Driven: Efficient in completing repairs and driven to exceed expectations on quality and productivity.
  • Become proficient to perform all common repairs and some complex repairs autonomously
  • Ensure top quality: Fix it right first time, we trust you to inspect our vehicles diligently before return and pre-delivery
  • Collaborate: Working across teams (local and over the region) you will be sharing support and best practices in order to further improve the service experience.
  • Develop: Setting you up for success our dedicated in-house training teams offer a blended learning strategy to help develop your technical skills. And by also sharing your own skills and knowledge with the team, you’re a part of driving the whole group forward.

Zdroj ponuky:

Test osobnosti

Na akú profesiu sa hodíte?

  • Priradíme vás k jednému z 16 osobnostných typov
  • Detailne popíšeme váš typ osobnosti
  • Vybereme povolania, pre ktoré sa hodíte

Ďalšie ponuky práce

Súvisiace články

Súvisiace články na tému minimálna mzda, mzda, mzda a zamestnanie, plat, priemerná mzda, výplata

Rast minimálnej mzdy znamená aj rast odvodov

4. 12. 2008 | Lucia Adamjaková

Rast minimálnej mzdy znamená aj rast odvodov

Niektorých zamestnávateľov od 1.1.2009 pravdepodobne nepoteší správa o zvýšení minimálnej mzdy.

Stránka 24/24



Výpočet čistej mzdy 2024

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