Nevyčerpaná dovolenka: Kedy vám ju preplatia a aké máte možnosti
5. 12. 2019 | Miroslava Hrášková
Nestihli ste vyčerpať dovolenku? Do kedy si ju musíte vyčerpať a kedy vám ju zamestnávateľ preplatí sa dozviete z nášho článku.
Vybrané voľné pracovné miesto už bolo obsadené alebo zrušené
Miesto výkonu práce:
Dátum pridania ponuky
21. 8. 2024
Dátum poslednej aktualizácie
22. 8. 2024
Druh pracovného pomeru
Overená pracovná ponuka z portálu EURES.
Job description
AquaBioTech Group is seeking another capable and qualified Aquatic Veterinarian to work as trial
coordinator for fish health trials. Focused on the day-to-day coordination and execution of trial activities
it will be also managing the health of our research fish stocks, carrying out all necessary necropsies
and diagnostics, as well as participating in and developing experimental protocols. The candidate
would also support and participate in national and international research projects that AquaBioTech
Group is involved in.
• Day-to-day coordination of fish health trials activities and communication with clients.
• Protocols and study report writing; data collection, elaboration and archiving.
• Plan and execute trial activities like vaccination and challenge with pathogens.
• Sampling for routine health monitoring and trial related requirements
• Health management of the fish stock in the facility
• Necropsies and diagnostics required by routine health management of the stock and trial
related requirements.
• Development of Challenge Models and other experimental SOPs
• Other duties as assigned by the company.
Zdroj ponuky:
Rozšírená verzia kalkulačky
Ďalšie kalkulačky
Ponuky práce
Najčítanejšie články