IT PROJEKTOVÝ MANAŽÉR - aktualizované: 26. 7. 2024

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Dátum pridania ponuky

22. 7. 2024

Dátum poslednej aktualizácie

26. 7. 2024

Druh pracovného pomeru

Overená pracovná ponuka z portálu EURES.

Popis pracovnej ponuky:

The Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL), situated in Grenoble, France, is Europe’s leading research facility for fundamental research using neutrons. The ILL operates the brightest neutron source in the world and hosts over 2000 visits by scientists per year, who come to carry out world-class research.

Come and join the ILL’s Administration Division and manage innovative projects to take on new challenges together.

You will be involved in transforming and improving the performance of the administrative teams’ IT tools to simplify and streamline their day-to-day work.

Your tasks

Reporting directly to the Head of the Administration Division, you will work in close collaboration with the three Heads of Service (Finance, Purchasing, Human Resources and their teams), providing assistance with defining, coordinating and supervising the IT projects assigned to you.

In particular, you will be responsible for the following:

• Needs identification: Collate and deal with new user requirements, translate these requirements into viable IT projects ensuring smooth collaboration between users and the technical teams:

Project management: define the objectives, scope and deliverables for the projects in collaboration with stakeholders, integrating both human resources and document management

Prepare detailed project schedules, including calendars, resources and budgets

Ensure the development, testing and roll-out of tools, whilst keeping within the set deadlines and budgets

Identify and manage the risks associated with projects and propose solutions to mitigate these risks.

• Communicate inside and outside the services for these projects

• Draft and maintain project documentation, including technical specifications, user manuals and status reports

• Coordinate test and validation procedures to ensure the quality of the project deliverables. Organise training sessions for final users and provide continuing technical support after the tools have been rolled out

• Monitor developments in technology and work with the users to suggest improvements to optimise the tools.

Please note that all applicants are subject to administrative screening (background checks) and that medical fitness is required.

Doplňujúce informácie:

Ak potrebujete viac informácií o krajine, nájdete ich na našom webe v časti Životné a pracovné podmienky – Francúzsko.

Zdroj ponuky:

Test osobnosti

Na akú profesiu sa hodíte?

  • Priradíme vás k jednému z 16 osobnostných typov
  • Detailne popíšeme váš typ osobnosti
  • Vybereme povolania, pre ktoré sa hodíte

Ďalšie ponuky práce

Súvisiace články

Súvisiace články na tému minimálna mzda, mzda, mzda a zamestnanie, plat, priemerná mzda, výplata

EU – ktoré štáty dane znižujú a ktoré zvyšujú?

13. 7. 2009 | Petr Gola

EU – ktoré štáty dane znižujú a ktoré zvyšujú?

Výška daňového zaťaženia sa v krajinách EU výrazne líši. Rovnako sa však líši súčasný prístup jednotlivých krajín k daňovému zaťaženiu.

Rast minimálnej mzdy znamená aj rast odvodov

4. 12. 2008 | Lucia Adamjaková

Rast minimálnej mzdy znamená aj rast odvodov

Niektorých zamestnávateľov od 1.1.2009 pravdepodobne nepoteší správa o zvýšení minimálnej mzdy.

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