Životné minimum mení situáciu. Komu sa od júla zastaví exekúcia?
10. 8. 2021 | Redakcia
Sociálna poisťovňa po júlovej zmene životného minima zníži alebo zastaví exekučné zrážky viac ako 30-tisíc dôchodcom.
Vybrané voľné pracovné miesto už bolo obsadené alebo zrušené
Miesto výkonu práce:
EURES Nórsko - Sydesign AS
Mzda (v hrubom):
280000.00 NOK od 280 000 NOK brutto, ročne
Dátum nástupu
Dátum pridania ponuky
3. 10. 2022
Dátum poslednej aktualizácie
4. 10. 2022
Pracovný a mimopracovný pomer
Pracovný pomer na plný úväzok - Pracovný pomer na dobu neurčitú
Sydesign is looking for an experienced and professional tailor. In the company, we do everything from repairs to sewing completely new clothes. This applies to everything from wedding dresses, party dresses, suits, trousers, winter clothes, Bunad and everything from women's clothes, men's clothes, children's clothes and everyday clothes, etc. So we are looking for professional tailors and preferably someone with at least 5 years' experience. Someone who has experience and has worked with repairs of different clothes and sewing new clothes. Someone who works in this industry has to put up with a bit of stress and hectic working days at times. Quality of work is very important to us. We need a tailor who can work with good quality, is meticulous and can work at a good pace. The aim is to find a tailor who is happy with his job and will continue to work as a tailor in the future. Someone they can bet on. It is a great advantage if the candidate can speak and understand English well.
The working hours are from 09:00-17:00 Monday to Friday - Some Saturdays are expected.
Placeofwork - Sirkus shopping (Adresse: Falkenborgvegen 1, 7044 TRONDHEIM, NORWAY)
stredná škola
anglický - B1 Samostatný používateľ
Zdroj ponuky: istp.sk
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